Frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions.

Q: Can anyone be hypnotized, or is it only effective for certain individuals?

A: Hypnotherapy can assist with a wide range of issues, including stress management, anxiety, sleep issues, phobias, smoking cessation, weight management, and improving self-confidence.

Click HERE to see a full list of what hypnotherapy can treat.

Q: What if I can't be hypnotized?

A: Hypnosis is more effective on some than others. Are you curious about how hypnotizable you are?

Click HERE to take a short quiz to find out.

Q: Is hypnotherapy effective?

A: Extremely, since 1958, hypnosis has been recognized by the American Medical Association as a legitimate form of medical treatment when administered by an appropriately trained practitioner.

Click HERE to learn more about the science behind hypnotherapy.

Q: What can hypnotherapy help with? What issues or conditions can it address?

A: Hypnotherapy can assist with a wide range of issues, including stress management, anxiety, sleep issues, phobias, smoking cessation, weight management, and improving self-confidence.

Click HERE to see a list of what hypnotherapy can treat.

Q: Can hypnotherapy be used alongside other medical or therapeutic treatments?

A: Hypnotherapy is a complementary treatment meaning it’s meant to enhance the effects of other forms of wellness and healing.

Q: Will I lose control of my body?

A: You stay in control throughout the entire hypnotic process. As opposed to the fictionalized version of hypnosis you might see in a movie, hypnotherapy is a collaborative process that empowers you to have a heightened state of focus and relaxation allowing you more control over your emotional, psychological, and physical being. In Hypnotherapy, you gain new control over your body.

Click HERE to learn more about the science behind hypnotherapy.

Q: Can hypnosis make me reveal personal information or secrets that I do not want to reveal?

A: No, hypnosis is not a truth serum. It is a state of heightened focus. You will not reveal information if you do not desire to reveal that information. Your secrets are safe with you. Unlike traditional talk therapies, hypnotherapy gives you the option of choosing how much you want to share out loud and how much you’d like to remain unsaid.

Q: Can I be manipulated or influenced against my will?

A: No, hypnosis cannot make you do anything against your will. You are always in control and have the power to reject any suggestion that doesn't align with your values.

Q: Is hypnosis mind control?

A: Not at all. Hypnosis is a cooperative process where you actively engage in self-exploration and personal transformation by harnessing the power of your own mind.

Click HERE to see what makes the NCCH method different.

Q: How many hypnotherapy sessions will I need to see results?

A: The number of sessions required can vary depending on individual needs and goals. Hypnotherapy is a brief form of treatment meaning unlike psychotherapy it is not meant to go on for years. Typically most long-lasting changes come from 4-6 sessions per issue being worked on, with additional sessions added on as needed.

Call and schedule a FREE Consultation to get an estimate on how many sessions are needed for your unique situation.

Click HERE to book your free consultation now.

Q: How much does hypnotherapy cost at the NCCH?

A: 60 Minute Session- $195

90 Minute Intake or Regression Session- $295

Click HERE to schedule a Free Consultation to get an estimate on how many sessions are needed for your unique situation.

Q: Do you accept insurance?

A: Currently, we do not accept insurance for our hypnotherapy services. However, we offer flexible payment options and strive to make our services accessible to individuals seeking support.

Q: How qualified and experienced are the hypnotherapists at the Northern California Center for Hypnotherapy

A: All Hypnotherapists with the NCCH have been certified by the American Council of Hypnotic Examiners, the oldest and most prestigious hypnotherapy governing body. Our hypnotherapists are highly qualified, have a wealth of experience, and have gone through rigorous training in hypnotherapy and hypnosis techniques.

Click HERE to learn more.

Q: Are the effects of hypnotherapy long-lasting?

A: Yes, the effects of hypnotherapy can be long-lasting, especially when combined with reinforcement techniques, self-hypnosis, and a commitment to positive change.

Q: Can hypnotherapy be done online?

A: Yes, hypnotherapy can be conducted online through secure video conferencing platforms, providing convenience and accessibility for clients.

Click HERE to learn more about virtual hypnotherapy.

Q: Can I be stuck in hypnosis and not wake up?

A: No, it is not possible to get stuck in hypnosis. You will naturally emerge from the hypnotic state or be guided out of it by the hypnotherapist.

Click HERE to learn more about the science behind hypnotherapy.

Q: Will I remember everything that happens during hypnosis?

A: Some individuals remember everything that happens during hypnosis, while others may have partial or complete amnesia of the session. It varies from person to person. You will have an audio recording of the session to use for self-hypnosis in between sessions.

Q: How soon can I expect results from hypnotherapy?

A: The speed of results varies depending on individual circumstances. Some people experience positive changes after a few sessions, while others may require more time.

Click HERE to learn more about the science behind hypnotherapy.

Q: How does hypnotherapy differ from stage hypnosis?

A: Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic process focused on achieving personal goals and positive changes, while stage hypnosis is for entertainment purposes.

Q: How do I prepare for a hypnotherapy session?

A: Prior to a hypnotherapy session, it is helpful to have a clear intention, be well-rested, and come with an open mind. Your hypnotherapist may provide specific instructions or guidance.

Click HERE to learn how to prepare for an in-person session or a virtual session.